This morning I set out my English China set to have a special breakfast with the girls. I suppose it was an addition to Mateja's ongoing birthday celebrations. We gave the girls tea (Mateja requested peppermint, Ari got another decaf bag Daddy picked for her) & mini-pancakes. Quick shout-out to Jenn G. for recommending the Organic Batter Blaster (or whatever it's called) which my mom purchased and stuck in our refrigerator. What a crazy great idea for a special FAST and easy-to-clean-up meal. I made mini-pancakes with it. It was awesome. I'm going to have to purchase it again (omg - it's sooo against my religion!) soon - I might make a special trip to the grocer's just to find it, it was that awesome. I can't say that I ate any of the pancakes, so I won't vouch for their taste myself, but the girls ate every last one that I made for them.
Anyway, after a few sips on her hot peppermint tea, Mateja began asking me for some sugar. Sugar is something we use only for baking and even then we use it in smaller-than-called-for amounts. That said, I really didn't know where the sugar was as my baking goods haven't been unpacked yet. I kept going back and forth with Mateja about the sugar. I was NOT going to look for it and really... she didn't need it (there's my religion again). After realizing she wasn't getting anywhere with me, she began the conversation with her dad who reappeared in the kitchen soon thereafter. The conversation went something like this:
M - Dad, can I have sugar in my tea?
dad - No. you don't put sugar in your tea.
M - Why not?
dad - Well, in England you don't put sugar in your tea. (he knows this is a fallacy)
~ here she paused, somewhat perplexed and then responded ~
M -But we're not in England. We're in California. So I want sugar in my tea.
Anyway, after a few sips on her hot peppermint tea, Mateja began asking me for some sugar. Sugar is something we use only for baking and even then we use it in smaller-than-called-for amounts. That said, I really didn't know where the sugar was as my baking goods haven't been unpacked yet. I kept going back and forth with Mateja about the sugar. I was NOT going to look for it and really... she didn't need it (there's my religion again). After realizing she wasn't getting anywhere with me, she began the conversation with her dad who reappeared in the kitchen soon thereafter. The conversation went something like this:
M - Dad, can I have sugar in my tea?
dad - No. you don't put sugar in your tea.
M - Why not?
dad - Well, in England you don't put sugar in your tea. (he knows this is a fallacy)
~ here she paused, somewhat perplexed and then responded ~
M -But we're not in England. We're in California. So I want sugar in my tea.
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