Monday, April 5, 2010

ALL Fun and Games!

I was hoping to bake stuffed mushrooms today. It's a little bit of a project to add that into my regular Monday routine plus extra laundry and dishes from Easter weekend. (And believe me, when there is no dishwasher appliance in the house, dishes tend to quickly pile up and need to be scheduled into the regular routine). My schedule has since been thwarted. The girls and I were in the front yard enjoying the brief outpour of sunshine instead of the rain that’s been coming down all morning when Ari said her bottom needed to go potty in the bush (just to the left of our front door). I thought she was kidding. It was play time after all. Boy was I wrong! I was actually so shocked that I started laughing. It was either that or start crying. Well the laughing sent her a pretty strong message. “Way to go Ari, you’re hilarious!” I think that’s the message she got out of it. So she started laughing too. Then she started itching. I will spare further details about the itching, but… you can figure it out. I ended up hauling her off to the back yard to strip her down. I even threatened hosing her off. She thought that sounded really fun and decided I ought to turn it into a game for her. Everything is a game when you're three. Well, I couldn’t pass the opportunity bye. She was rapidly yanking ALL of her clothes off, so I ran for the hose. It almost sounds wicked, but I really enjoyed blasting her little body from the waist down while she danced and twirled and screamed and giggled with delight. I found myself giggling. And now to do more laundry. How can I turn that into a game?

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