Friday, September 10, 2010

School Photos!

We did it. We started school this year and are in the swing of things.  Though obviously with the lack of blogging, I've been a bit busy.  Tej is well into her first grade year and doing really beautifully.  Ari just started her first week of preschool this week.  Hallelujah!  That's what I have to say about that.  We've been plugging away since mid-August (man alive, we started early!) and Ari has been in the mix although now not so much since she's at preschool three days a week.  It's a welcome "break" as it allows Tej and I time for schooling in a more productive manner.  Anyway...

Here are a few photos of our journey so far.  MUCH more to share but for now only photos as I am getting ready to teach science & social studies next.  :)


Emily Branca said...

Pretty sure you win the "Best Mom EVER" award!!

Amanda said...

That is NOT a "p" in SHIP :)