Getting acclimated to the new house and the new neighborhood has been such fun. The girls are really enjoying it here. They LOVE our new “little town” which is the main street a few blocks from our new home. It’s lined with shops and restaurants most of which are unique to this area. We’ve done lots of walking on non rainy days hunting out our new favorite spots. During the rainy days we’ve spent quite a bit of time spreading out in our new space.
Mateja celebrated her sixth birthday with dinner and cupcakes with Grandma Betty and we later threw her a costume party! She created the guest-list this year. I sent the invites to her guests (and their parents). It was so wonderful having space to being able to host people in our home again. The kids all wore costumes to celebrate and ate mini-cupcakes. The games sort of never fully developed into anything and somehow most of the boys’ goodie bags were still here at the end of the day. I’m not sure what happened there… Arielle keeps asking for her birthday party now. Maybe I will manage the next party a little better.
About a week after the party, my cousin Myriah came for a visit with her two boys. Her oldest is three years old. He and Arielle had a BLAST together. It was so wonderful having them here for a visit. Now we owe them a visit! Unfortunately for Mateja, she ended up not feeling very well while they were here. We took her to Urgent Care a couple of days after Myriah and the boys left. That was a first for our family. It was so sad and frightening. She had her first ear infection. A dose of antibiotics did the job and left me feeling extremely grateful to live in a country where we could take our daughter to urgent care, have a prescription filled hours later and be administering medicine to help her. She was a different person the following morning. We are just ending her antibiotics, praise God, and she is back to herself. Now spring is here and she can enjoy making more memories with the rest of us! (I will have to post our most recent memories from the beach soon.)