This post is simply to state that, after much research, we have decided to home school. Mateja is supposed to start kindergarten in the fall. So, she'll just have me as her teacher (still). See I finally came to REALLY realize that I AM a teacher already. In fact, I am HER teacher. This morning whilst driving in the car she was firing questions at me like she usually does. Here is a sample of the things she was asking me. I had to jot them down while we were stopped at a red light.
"How many eyes do squids have?"
"Why can you turn right at a red light but not left?"
"What is an exhibit?"
"What does great gas mileage mean?"
"What is a gang?"
"What is butter? I mean, I know it's something you eat, but what else is it?"
Before she started preschool, I would get some credit for the things she learned (like her colors or numbers or letters - cuz I did teach her those things). Everything else she would attribute to either the knowledge of her father or her grandmother (Grammy Di). Then she started preschool (two days a week of preschool) and her teachers then received all of the credit for absolutely anything she had ever learned or was currently learning (even things like how to snap her fingers!). Now that she'll be home schooled, I wonder if I will get any credit for the breadth of her knowledge... she informed me once, not too long ago, that the only reason I actually knew anything was because someone had told me or maybe I had read it in a book. Maybe she's the teacher!
I have very fond memories of my home school days...minus the matching dresses of course!
Yeh!!! I have Peyton's curriculum and can't wait to start!! We are joining a local PSP and its really cool....You are the best teacher for them!! After MUCH research I totally believe homeschooled children have a huge advantage and head start to their futures...MUAH
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