Nathan and Mateja were equally shocked to hear the initial news. Arielle was THRILLED. She squealed and clapped her hands and danced about the exam room. She will get to have a baby sister just like Mateja got to have a baby sister. She's very happy about the prospect of painting her baby sister's toe nails pink and making her "adorable" - how exciting!
With few exceptions (three) friends, family, and strangers have been predicting/hoping along with us for a boy. Needless to say, we didn't have a single girl name chosen for our newest little treasure. The hunt is on... and will likely not be revealed until after the birth of the newest baby. In the mean time I also have to gear up my efforts to acquire new (baby) furniture & paraphernalia. AND decide if we are making any changes to how we parented from previous efforts (cloth diapers perhaps? Baby Wise?) anyway ~ it's all very exciting to be CERTAIN.