Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Mateja Decorates Christmas 2008

This year we got a tree!

It's one of my favorite things to do each year - tradition. We've only done it twice before this since we got married, but I hope it continues as one of our traditions. I guess it kind of reminds me of home.

Mateja is old enough to help decorate the tree this year. We didn't have one last year because of Ari. She was getting into everything. Mateja & I had lots of fun.

My big girl... :)

Friday, November 21, 2008

Traditional Pumpkin Pies from Scratch

Today was the day! We hacked into our pumpkin.
The girls were sooo excited to get the process started.
They couldn't use the knives of course, but were able to help scoop the seeds out and place the cut up pieces into the pans.
We'll be taking a pie to the annual Thanksgiving feast @ my Aunt's home. We'll also keep some here. There's so much pumpkin that we're going to make muffins tomorrow as well as a batch or two for Thanksgiving. I'm thinking about making some pumkin bread too and maybe some soup this week and then... we'll have to stick the rest into the freezer! I'm sure it'll come in handy this winter when I'm craving more pumpkin muffins & the girls can help bake. They love being in the kitchen!